Sunday, December 31, 2023


                                                                   (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

The landscape looks real different for this time of year. At least for southern Vermont which historically has had a layer of snow and or ice over the landscape. It feels like early November. Since these are the shortest days of the year that lack of snow makes the landscape seem darker. And it is.

However, on sunny days the landscape can have a lovely glow upon it. This is what drew me in to paint this scene. The grasses in the foreground seemed electric in the natural light.

Bring on the New Year. I am looking forward to 2024 as a fresh start from a difficult 2023. I am eager to have better health and paint larger watercolors in the months ahead.

Happy New Year to all!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Painting Big

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

It feels great to start a watercolor on a full sheet(22" x 30"). That's a lot of paper to cover with paint. However, I have been eager for this moment for sometime.

In the past I have capably painted full sheet watercolors. However, I feel like I am a different painter now. It seems like I have greater command of my palette than in the past. Also, I want to think my paintings are more fluid and saturated in color than in the past.

Finally, in the last year, every time I started a full sheet I had some obstacle in my way. In 2023 I started a watercolor just as I came down with Covid-19 and another time an abrupt trip to Maine to help move an elderly relative effected the progress of that painting. Also, in 2023 I had an eye infection which took me five months to recover from.

Hopefully, 2024 will be prosperous and productive.

Sunday, December 24, 2023


                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

New Gamboge is the latest pigment that I have been experimenting with. New Gamboge mixed with paynes's gray makes a lovely green. However, New Gamboge mixed with burnt sienna or burnt umber can give you a rich, vibrant glowing orange which can really light up your paper.

When you add some blues for the water - it makes a striking composition of color. This makes me want to experiment more.

This Arches watercolor journal is great for just putting down color combinations and developing quick landscapes. This format is great as a way to practice your brush strokes and warming up before painting in earnest.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A View From Cadallac Mountain

                                                                             (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Hiking on Mount Desert Island(Bar Harbor, Maine)is always a satisfying experience, as long as the crowds are kept at a distance. There seem to be views in all directions and often wildlife is a focal point.

The view in this watercolor is from a lower vantage point then the popular peak. This vast ledge of rock before you makes the walk more accessible.

For me the two people in the foreground makes the composition all the better. The splash of red gives the scene greater emphasis. I like the shadows over the rocks and the foreboding tree line in the distance.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Moving Forward With Paint

                                                                             (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

It always feels great to paint. Watercolor painting seems to focus my attention like nothing else. A definite meditative moment.

A few months ago I had started this watercolor but for whatever reason it was left incomplete. Recently, I developed this picture in a very different direction then from where it began. I must admit I don't like to waste paper so modifying any painting is fair game for me.

I have been using cerulean blue more than I have in years. It adds so much to a watercolor - particular the sky. From my experience some versions of cerulean are watered-down or diluted and weak. However, I love the dry brush effect one can get when using cerulean blue more than any other pigment.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Local Field

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

This field I walk by often during the summer season. There are often cows or evidence of them in the landscape. The try to shade themselves under the canopy of trees or get a drink at the watering hole at the bottom of the picture.

I have been experimenting with the pigments I use for painting foliage. For dark foliage, in the foreground, I like this combination of sepia and sap green. To me, it is a dark but has a warm and natural feel. Foliage can truly frame the landscape and when handled well it can add a lot to your painting.

It feels like I have increased my knowledge and feel for my palette significantly in the last year. These days I can paint a complete watercolor with a limited palette. Also, I have evolved to paint more saturated colors which gives my watercolors a richness and depth I could not achieve before.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

White Christmas?

                                                                                      (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Thanksgiving ended up being white, will we be treated to a white Christmas? I hope so.

This post was written during a heavy spring-like rain in mid-December. I even mowed part of my lawn today. My electric lawn mower states that the battery is best stored at around thirty percent, yet it was at a nearly full charge. 

I love painting snow in my watercolors as the contours and light on the landscape really come to life in the winter. Evergreens in the winter landscape are such an iconic image. Time to bring back the winter wonderland.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Brattleboro Common(Plein air)

                                                                              (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

From time to time there is a watercolor that needs a little tweaking before I would consider it a finished painting. Of course, signing a painting, usually in one of the lower corners is one of the final stages of a painting.

In this picture, the central tree, had a rather undefined large trunk which seemed out of proportion with the overall vegetation. I resorted to thinning the trunk by pushing it back with a cool blue so that it is more in the shadow. This led me to add some cool-toned branches to make the trees more convincing.

I like the warm overall tone of the light in this watercolor. In addition, I am pleased with the coloring and brush work in this picture. It must be noted that this was painted ninety-five percent outside at a picnic table where the light and elements are continually changing.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Standing Desk

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Before it got cold outside and started snowing I committed myself to using up some of the wood laying around the garage. Most of the wood is left over from past projects. And most of it is pine. 

This is my most recent construction - a standing table for my laptop. The table top is made of cedar and has a nice feel to it. This project gave me the opportunity to practice using my various edge routers with two different-sized round over bits.

Like most people I sit too much when I am at the computer so this gives me the opportunity to become a little more mobile. I can move this from room to room depending on the season and demands of the work. When using this height(of desk) I am more inclined to stretch periodically and walk down my hallway for frequent breaks.

While this is not a watercolor it makes me think about my watercolor painting. In particular, I have been pondering what the next painting shall be. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The West River(VT)

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

It feels good to get back to painting. For several weeks I have been preparing the property and myself for winter. Also, I created some Christmas gifts out of pine left over from past projects. I even built a standing desk to sit my laptop on.

In this watercolor I was eager to mix new grays for the shadows on the water. Recently, I came upon the combination of cadmium red and winsor blue which makes a lovely gray.

The quietness of this landscape I find compelling. They say this time of year is about stillness and reflection. I found those qualities in abundance in this scene.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Test Sheet

                                                                            (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

In the past I have written about using a test sheet to find out if your color mixing approximates what you intend on applying to your watercolor painting. Most of those comments referenced painting in the studio.

However, I use this mixed media book(4" x 6") when I am painting out in the field. This hardcover book, I find, handles watercolor quite well and is put out by the Bee Paper Company.  The paper dries quickly which is a benefit when paining in plein air. The colors seem to remain fairly vibrant, too.

This book is great for testing out brushstrokes as well as painting small landscapes in a direct manner.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


                                         (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Southern Vermont went to sleep in the midst of a snowstorm last night. It was a bit jarring to shovel heavy wet snow in the morning. The seasons really changed last night. Now the boots, gloves, hats and ice scrapers have come out, too.

I like these quick little watercolor washes with lively colors. Sometimes so little can say so much. Leaving the white of the paper can be quite expressive.

Thanksgiving to all. We have a lot to be grateful for. Good food, family and peace for the most part.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Arches Travel Journal

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Painting outside is becoming a challenge at this time of year. The light is getting weaker and the colors have become more muted. However, painting outside or even inside through a window, I find, makes me notice seasonal changes, I would not pick-up on otherwise.

I am enjoying my Arches travel journal(6" x 10"). It enables me paint in a cafe or at a local library on the go. This is particularly important as the days have gotten shorter and colder. Arches watercolor paper is one of my preferred surfaces to paint on. Also, I like the Masters Choice watercolor paper which has an interesting bead or texture once the paper has pigment on it.

For many years this Arches travel journal was not available. At first I tested pigment combinations in these small bound booklets. Before long I was painting landscapes which incorporated these new color mixes. Also, I use these booklets as a warm-up for brushstrokes before starting to paint in earnest.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Cloud Study

                                                                             (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Since my last post I have further developed this painting. The pigments I have been using for the sky include cobalt blue, raw sienna and ultramarine blue.

I felt like I had to add the landscape to give it context. With the sky so dominant the land might become secondary so I added a river to draw your eye into the scene.

I am enjoying these cloud studies and am hopeful that they will diversify and improve my landscape paintings.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Cloud Study

                                                                                (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

John Constable(1776 - 1837) is an English landscape painter well known for painting skies. He is said to have revolutionized the genre of landscape painting with his 'romantic' settings. I thought of Constable after I started working on this watercolor.

This painting started out as a cloud study and is turning into a landscape painting. If I don't think favorable of a watercolor I painted - I turn it over and paint cloud studies. I think this practice is improving and diversifying my painting of skies. Regardless of their outcome, painting clouds can be a challenge for any landscape painter.

The sky does not have to be the focal point in a composition but in certain situations it dominates the picture. However, the sky can be so varied from one minute to the next that it adds great value to my landscape painting if I can capture some aspect of the existing cloud patterns.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Brattleboro Common

                                                                            C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

The Brattleboro Common is a great setting for plein air painting. It has many focal points, a sense of history and various seating options. I come back again and again to paint with a different perspective each time. You really don't need many paint supplies to get going at this location.

This plein air watercolor was done several years ago. Every time I see it, it stops me in my tracks. For me it has a magical quality - abstract with a frozen stillness. In addition, I like the washes in this particular picture. Also, the composition seems timeless with the curving path into the horizon at the junction of a tree trunk.

At times you can say so much with so little. I am referring to a limited palette.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Watercolor Study

                                                                               (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Landscape painting is such a joy for me. Whether it is realism or an imaginary landscape the process is fulfilling.

I have learned to love mixing watercolor pigments. Even if I have a small window to paint in - it is a great opportunity to put something down on paper. That way you can keep evolving as an artist.

In this little sketch I love the paint combinations. Also, I love the negative space where there is no paint. Through practice I have learned to appreciate the importance of leaving the white of the paper unpainted where possible.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Watercolor Study

                                                                             (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Painting skies can be a challenge particularly when it comes to various cloud formations. However, I am willing to tackle any sky that I experience. This was experienced in Brattleboro, VT during late summer.

This watercolor study was done in one sitting. The sky dominates the landscape and thus draws attention to the dramatic clouds. Many other skies do not dominate the landscape requiring less attention.

Another factor in painting a sky is which pigments to use. In this picture I used raw sienna and raw umber at the base of the clouds and cerulean blue elsewhere. I still am experimenting with which colors to employ and when.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Warm-up Sketch

                                                                           (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

It is a good practice to do a warm-up sketch in watercolor. This way you can practice some brush strokes before getting serious about your painting. Also, I find my relationship with the paper is constantly changing. I see things I didn't notice before or a different approach may emerge which makes a lot of sense.

This practice gets me inspired to paint while calming me down at the same time. Basically, it is a form of meditation which has my utmost attention.

This watercolor is an imaginary landscape. However, it has all the elements of landscape painting. It has a sky, land and water. It even has a tree so I am loosened up and ready to paint in earnest.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Cadillac Mountain(Bar Harbor, Maine)

                                                                         (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor, Maine certainly is a beautiful place to visit. However, I have lost interest in the quantity of people swarming the island in the summer. In addition, there are parking meters everywhere now, which makes it difficult to find a place to park.

On the other hand I love the landscape with all it's variety and textures. The rock formations weathered by years of exposure to water has endlessly fascinating patterns and markings which draw my attention.

These are some of the characteristics which inspire me to paint the landscape. I started this watercolor without any preliminary drawing - just started painting from the start. 

Several years ago with family we had  driven up Cadillac Mountain and I took some photographs as people do. I have looked at these photos from time to time and considered painting some landscapes.

I see these as studies for a larger landscape, one that can draw you into the picture. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Watercolor Sketch

                                                                                       (C)2023 Dale DiMauro

With what seems like a sudden change of season which of course it is - I have had my painting routine interrupted preparing for the colder weather. So it was rewarding to paint a little landscape in my Arches Travel Journal.

I am excited that Arches has returned to market their Arches Travel Journal. Years ago I had purchased several and then they no longer were available for purchase. It is hard to find good quality watercolor paper in a book form.

In the Winter months these journals are great to take when traveling or even to a local cafe to capture people or for little landscapes.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Land & Sky

                                                                  (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

The beautiful fall weather has been a relief from the humid, wet summer. However, the vibrant fall colors are yet to be found here in southern Vermont.

All the landscape elements in this watercolor are well defined. I like the clear colors in the watercolor. They provide a clean and clear quality to the overall character of this scene.

Capturing the qualities of the above canopy is always a challenge. How much of the foliage should you include and how dark to make them? Lately, I have been experimenting with sepia and sap green for my canopy colors. What do you think?

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Color Saturation

                                                                           (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Color is a powerful thing. It can make a painting look hyper-realistic, artificial or gaudy. On the other hand it can make a painting come alive.

Recently, I was doing work outside in southern Vermont when I experienced this late day sun which made this field come to life. I grabbed my camera and took a picture as this light was going to change rapidly.

I put many washes down on my painting as the color saturation was so rich to emulate.

The photograph does not do justice to the richness of color in the watercolor.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Fall Falls on the Local Landscape

                                                                              (C)2023 Dale DiMauro

Time seems precious at this time of year as the leaves fall off the tree before you know it. Also, the length of day fades fast. Yet we have had some beautiful days lately and I feel obligated to get outside and paint.

Local fields are as favorite source of inspiration for me to paint. Much of it can be attributed to the light and shadows of this time of year.

In this watercolor I like curve of the woodland edge on the upper right. A few days ago it seemed incomplete and artificial so I tweaked the contour of the field, added darks and increased the height of the trees.

This was painted on 140lb coldpress Arches watercolor paper. I have always enjoyed painting on their watercolor blocks as they are portable and tight as a drum.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Watercolor in sketchbook

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Landscape painting is rewarding no matter the season or subject matter. Along the way my brushwork continues to improve. I am less hesitant over time and can achieve more with less brushstrokes. 

This picture is more a result of practicing my brushstrokes as a way of limbering up before I start painting in earnest. It is exciting when the paint runs a bit as the colors blend with each other unifying areas of the painting.

I am forever finding new pigment combinations and then experimenting with them. While painting this watercolor rapidly I kept thinking about this other combination: quinacridone gold and Winsor violet. I learned this paint combination makes a lovely neutral and am eager to put it to use.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Brattleboro Common(Plein air)

                                                                             (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

In southern Vermont we certainly have had lovely weather lately. It's refreshing after a summer of high humidity, rain and poor air quality. This has fueled me to get outside and paint when possible.

I don't usually paint outside in the early morning but on Monday I did. Often my plein air painting happens in the late afternoon. At this time of year, with the morning light and fog, the landscape is quite captivating. I don't know if this photograph captured the colors but they are quite rich and varied.

The view here is looking toward the Retreat Meadows from the Brattleboro Common with a little spit of water in the distance. This was done in one sitting from the seat of a picnic table. As I painted this watercolor I began to notice the color change of the deciduous trees before my eyes.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

My Favorite Local Field

                                                                       (2023) Photograph Dale DiMauro

In all my travels this year I come back again and again to this local field. There is such drama in the vast open space of this field. The color change in fall, verdant green growth in spring and snow in winter all play out to such great effect in this field.

Today, a farmer was cutting down the corn stalks with his tractor. He looked very small in relation to the space. However, I like to observe whatever changes occur when I pass by whether it is birds flittering in the distance or changing shadows across the landscape.

These ephereal effects are the very thing watercolor is great at capturing. The ever-changing atmospheric qualities such as mist rising off the cornfield really capture one's attention when we are observant and tuned into the seasons.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Bratttleboro Common

                                                                            (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

The Brattleboro Common is a lovely spot to plant yourself for a few hours or an afternoon when you can - when the weather is good. I have come to appreciate this small park throughout the seasons - if nothing other than the lovely trees we have.

It felt great to get outside the other day and paint in plein air with good air quality unlike during the humid summer. The afternoon sun is special at this time of year. The shadows are longer but it is the warmest time of the day.

It is good to include some structure in my picture so I had to include the monument. I didn't get to finish this painting outside but I feel good about what I did in an hours time.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Autumnal Colors Starting to Emerge

                                                                          (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro
This time of year is one of my favorite to paint plein air watercolors. Between the seasonal color changes, the temperature fluctuations and the fog lifting off the rivers there is a lot of atmospheric effects which are suitable to capture in watercolor.

However, this watercolor was painted in my studio due to a lack of time. But I feel the urge to get outside as the season changes so fast.

Quinacridone gold is one of my favorite pigments. I use it to mix a variety of greens and browns. 
I don't know if I could get along without it. In this watercolor I used it for the green in the field, the tree foliage, the vegetation along the shore and for the shadow on the water.

As I have stated in previous posts I really like this Master's Choice watercolor paper. The rough version of this paper has a nice feel to it. Various pigmentations leave a lovely pattern on the paper.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The End of Summer

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

With chillier mornings and shorter days people are talking about the changing of the seasons. It seems to come so fast because it is. The quality of the light I see out in the land is so different then it was a month ago.

At the same time I keep thinking about this painting that NC Wyeth did which was found in New Hampshire. A woman purchased it for four dollars yet it was understood to have sold for around one-hundred fifty thousand dollars at auction.

This little watercolor I painted a while back for me sums up both thoughts. For me it has a Chadds Ford feel with its tawny colors and sparse life to it. The summer season has clearly passed on.

Monday, September 18, 2023

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

It is important for me to squeeze in some watercolor painting every day when possible. This continuity keeps things moving forward while keeping the mind engaged. A variety of ideas emerge while painting or reading the newspaper which is some cases, I can incorporate in one of my next paintings.

For example, many years ago I purchased an atomizer which when used properly you blow with your lips through a tube which can gently spray a film of pigment across the texture of the paper to great effect. I have not really embraced this painting device as I have not had much success with this technique.

However, on youtube I saw this being utilized to great effect. Now I am inspired to see what I can do with this tool.

The above photograph is a quick little watercolor I did recently while pressed for time. However, I like the warm neutral colors that convey the atmospheric qualities in this image. I put down a wash of brown before painting in the water along the shoreline which dictated how I would proceed.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A View From Cadallac Mountain(Bar Harbor, Maine)

                                                                             (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Bar Harbor, Maine is certainly a beautiful place to be - particularly in the summer. Obviously, with Acadia National Park residing on the island, it draws a lot of tourists.

Since my wife and I didn't make it up to Bar Harbor this summer, unlike most years, this watercolor is sort of a postcard or momento of years past. 

When in Maine this summer, I purchased this Rembrandt watercolor block in Portland. I really like how this paper holds the pigment and responds when the paper is wet. Previously, I was unaware Rembrandt even existed as far as manufacturing watercolor paper.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

PHOTOGRAPH: Tropical Vermont

                                                                                   (C) 2023 Photograph Dale DiMauro

Early in the morning on Tuesday I went for a walk down into Brattleboro, VT. I saw the Connecticut River and the adjacent land shrouded in a mist reminiscent of the tropics. This experience blew my mind. It was such a dramatic event that I am still thinking about it today.

I keep thinking how I would go about capturing these elements in watercolor. After all, watercolor, to me, is the best medium for capturing atmospheric effects on paper.

Just looking at this watercolor I can feel all the moisture in the air. The cool green foliage looks so lush, too. Later on it became one of those heat advisory days with a heat index approaching one hundred degrees.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Scott Farm

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Scott Farm, in Dummerston, VT is such a historic place. Not only was Cider House Rules filmed there but the buildings and landscape remain from a previous era. It is significant that some of the buildings and landscape have been repurposed for the time we live in.

They process from their orchards apple cider which they sell to the public. One of their buildings is rented out for wedding receptions and The Stone Trust teaches wall and patio construction on the grounds.

Also, it is a lovely spot to paint plein air landscapes. I painted this scene last year with the Saxton's River Art Group which organizes their own plein air outings. I don't know that I finished this painting but was off to a good start.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Worcester Art Museum


This past week my mom and I visited the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, MA. One of the current exhibitions is titled Watercolors Unboxed, which runs through September 10, 2023. These paintings are from their permanent collections.

It is rare to see watercolors on exhibit, it seems, in a museum not far from home, in Vermont. In particular, I enjoyed studying the Winslow Homer(1836-1910) and John Singer Sargent(1856-1925) watercolors. My mom and I were lucky, timing wise, to join a group with a guide discussing aspects of many of the watercolors on exhibit.

This John Singer Sargent, above titled, Boats at Anchor, 1917, was one of my favorite watercolors from the show. It is rare to see a Sargent watercolor in person. His use of color drew me in to his watercolors. For example, I love the browns and neutrals in the foreground of this picture.

What I admired most about Winslow Homer's watercolors on exhibit, were the free-flowing brushstrokes and emotional portray of the atmospheric effects.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Plein Air Watercolor

                                                                             (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

The Saxton's River Art Group had their last plein air outing of the season, earlier this week. It was the only one I was able to attend. This one was held at the historic Scott Farm in Dummerston, VT.

This was my watercolor from the outing, painted all on-site. I found a lovely spot to paint out of the sun under a big tree with the steady sound of a running waterfall.

I added the two figures above as their had been a couple sitting on the picnic table earlier.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Winsor Newton Watercolor Block

                                                                                      (C) 2022 Dale DiMauro

Landscape painting never gets old. At least for me it doesn't. I notice things about the landscape everyday in my travels. The light and shadows say so much about the time of year and characteristics of the land.

For this watercolor I tried a new painting block, one by Winsor & Newton. The paper has a different texture than I am used to but I feel good about this surface.

I like the foliage of the tree and the space within the leaves. It sort of has a life of it's own with well-defined edges. In addition, there was an interesting cloud which I was proud of, but it got buried behind the tree foliage

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Diversifing My Skies

                                                                                        (C)2023 Dale DiMauro

Painting more varied and diverse skies is something I have been working on. In the past I relied heavily on ultramarine blue with some combination of blue and perhaps would add some red to get a little gray. 

However, this Summer I purchased a cerulean blue from Daniel Smith which is the best tube of this pigment I have ever used. Here I have blended from the horizon - brilliant orange/alizarin crimson and cerulean for a sky very different from what I would normally come up with. The sky sets the mood for the landscape setting so it is important to capture what it is you want to say.

The more I use The Master's Choice watercolor paper, the more I like it. In particular, I like this rough surface which has a lovely texture when the pigment has settled into all it's little hills and valleys.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Living Memorial Park

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

This has been a challenging year to paint outside. With all the rain and forecast for rain it has been very uncertain whether painting outside would be successful. 

Today, I got outside on this lovely day and did some watercolor painting. I had low expectations for what I would produce but was pleased with the experience and the result. I hadn't painted outside in months but found I was quite focused and not bothered much by all the distractions.

There is a well-used frisbee golf course in town at the local open space called Living Memorial Park. Many, many people paraded by me with frisbees but overall it was a great experience.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Clark Art Museum

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Every summer my wife and I make our journey to the Clark Art Museum in Williamstown, Massachusetts. It is a beautiful museum in a beautiful setting with a state of the art permanent collection.

The last few years after the museum closes for the day we have been climbing the hill above their campus by trail to take in the view. I like the pastoral landscape up on the hill with the clusters of mature trees, open grassland and rough contours. Usually I take some photographs as the landscape is so distinct and undeveloped.

This experience inspires me to paint watercolors of this setting. This watercolor above is drawn from that experience. Since this last visit I have tweaked my palette some. To represent the warm greens and yellows I have been combining aureolin with cerulean and cerulean in my sky over ultramarine blue.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Rembrandt Watercolor Block

                                                                            (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

On my recent trip to Portland, Maine I purchased a small watercolor block made by Rembrandt. I had never heard of this brand of paper but I really like how this surface receives pigment.

You can see in the photograph above how fresh the watercolor looks. This is the first time using this paper so I am optimistic about what I can do going forward.

The surface of the paper has a nice little weave to it. I purchased this in Maine at the Artist & Craftsman Supply Store. This is the best arts store I have ever been in.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

West River Trail

                                                                                      (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

A Summer of rain has made Vermont very green. It's like Spring in the Summer. Also, the various shades of green are so vivid and lush.

I painted this watercolor of a local trail because I have not seen it like this, at this time of year, if ever. It does make for a good scene though. These colors tweak my palette more along the cooler blues than I usually use at this time of year.

With this rain the animals seem to have returned, too. After a trip to Maine the skunks, woodchucks, squirrels and mice seem to have multiplied.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Clark Art Museum


Last week my wife and I visited the Clark Art Museum in Williamstown, Ma. This is basically our annual pilgrimage to see some of our favorite paintings from their permanent collection as well as view new exhibitions. 

Unlike most major museums the Clark Art Museum sits in a rural setting which makes the visit even more special. The buildings and campus were upgraded several years ago and now has walking trails and a greater environmental focus.

Since I am recovering from an eye infection and did not want to do a lot of reading, my wife and I took a tour let by a knowledgable docent and participated in a talk in their prints and drawing room. One of the drawings was a watercolor by Winslow Homer.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Fitz Henry Lane


Fitz Henry Lane(1804 - 1865) was a leading marine painter of the mid - 19th Century. A great draftsman who could render a ship's portrayal in such detail with rigging as well as anyone in his day. Also, he was masterful at capturing the late day sun whether a ship was docked for the night or the setting sun cast across the harbor and distant landscape.

These are the qualities I think of when someone mentions the name - Fitz Henry Lane. Last week at the Portland Museum of Art, in Portland, Maine, one of his paintings on exhibit drew my attention. His painting: Annisquam Marshes, Near Gloucester Massachusetts, 1848(oil on canvas), has this warm glow of light toward the horizon with a river zig-zagging and meandering through the salt marches. This line of movement draws your eye deep into the picture.

I found this composition and Lane's mastery of color so captivating I studied it later in the week when I visited the museum a second time. Ironically, there are no ship's portrayed in this painting which was his trademark.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Sebago Lake

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Recently, I spent some time in Portland, Maine, with my wife. On one of the hottest days we were there, we headed out to one of our favorite beaches. Sebago Lake, nearly an hour west of Portland is a good-sized lake with a beautiful, sandy, yet shady beach. It has a grove of tall pine trees lining the shoreline.

It was refreshing to swim and bob around in such clear water. The beach is so relaxing as there are no rocks or shells with sharps edges to be concerned about.

The only thing missing from this watercolor are people. However, it was not a crowded scene as one might expect. Often there are children from summer camps who get bussed out from the Portland area but not on the day we visited.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell (1894-1978) certainly has a stellar reputation as a prolific illustrator and painter for nearly seven decades. I have always admired his drawing ability and was hoping at some point to acquire a book which featured his drawings.

This week I came upon that book and it is titled: Norman Rockwell:Drawings 1911-1976 by Stephanie Haboush Plunkett and Jesse Kowalski. Not only is it well written but it has many, many of his drawings of figures and models in his classic compositions for his commissioned works.

I just love his pencil drawings. His figures are so masterfully composed, I could look at the pages all day long. I am hoping to improve my figure drawing by practicing with some of his figures in my sketchbook.


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Early Watercolor

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Pen and ink with watercolor makes a dramatic statement. It adds a very illustrative quality to the finished appearance. Or at least the way I typically use pen and ink.

This watercolor was done many years ago during a time when I was also into colored inks. The colors are clearly defined just as the ink is.

This is another example of how diverse watercolor can be utilized. You can layer washes or blend pigments or as in this case paint by numbers pretty much.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Watercolor Studies

                                                                                       (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Watercolor studies are so important in developing your composition. In addition, simply recording a scene with direct painting is real valuable. I routinely do both of these practices.

However, I make other studies which consist of experimenting with color mixtures. There is an endless quantity of color swatches to explore. Ultimately, I turn these color swatches into landscape paintings.

Learning as many color combinations as I can creates a whole data bank to draw upon. Often times, subtle changes in color can make a major difference in your painting.

These four landscapes began as color studies which evolved rapidly as a way to experiment in how to use them in my paintings.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Plein Air

                                                                             (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Plein air painting is a great experience if you are willing to paint outside. However, painting outside for me this season has been a real challenge. Between poor air quality, rain and allergies like I have never experienced, it has been downright difficult to paint outside.

In addition, with a constantly changing schedule, it has been difficult to establish a routine. Hopefully, late summer and fall will be a different story.

This watercolor was painted at a boat landing along the Connecticut River. There is a freshness of approach in color and expression that I like in this picture.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Quinacridone Red

                                                                           (C) 2023 Dale DiMauro

Painting the landscape is the most rewarding. Tweaking the landscape to make it a stronger composition is even better.

Lately, I have been experimenting with quinacridone red and viridian as a mixture which can be seen in the foreground. Also, it is seen in the background in the woodland edge. It may look similar to a 'red brick' color. However, it is a lively color I intend on using in the future.

I have veered away from using payne's gray on it's own. It seems best when mixed with other pigments. So, I have turned to other pigmentations for most of my shadows. Here you can see I have applied the red and green combination.

It is very satisfying to try new colors and experiment with new techniques and brushes.