Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Living Memorial Park

                                                                                      (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Living Memorial Park, in Brattleboro, VT is such a versatile and well-used park. In addition to numerous softball fields it has areas to play pickle ball, a skatepark, frisbee golf, a ski lift and snowboard area. I haven't even mentioned it has a swimming pool, ice rink and performance stage, too. 
Still, I am leaving out many activities of high value to folks such as the tennis courts, etc.

This watercolor was started at the end of summer but left unfinished for one reason or another. I started this painting on a thicker stock surface - Arches 300 lb cold press since I hadn't painted on this surface in a while.

Recently, with the colder weather moving in and the shorter days advancing I went back to this painting. I was inspired by this view across the landscape, plus all the green colors and the shadowy edge in the foreground.

This picture is not finished but close to being done. A little more attention to the wispy grasses poking out of the shadows in the foreground will make a big difference.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Quick Watercolor

                                                                                              (C)2024 Dale DiMauro

Watercolor is such a diverse medium. An artist can lay down many washes and build up a painting like in other mediums or s/he can paint with a few washes or on the go as compared to a studio painting. This versatility is impressive in addition to not really needing a lot of materials at hand. Ultimately, the best part may be the ease of clean up. No toxic chemicals are needed.

This quick watercolor was done in my travel journal on Arches watercolor paper. It really plays up the dry brush affect one can achieve by dragging the brush quickly across the surface of the paper with a steep angle.

The distant hill reads like it has accumulations of snow on it. I like the feel the texture conveys to the viewer.

A limited palette was used in this watercolor. The pigments used include: burnt sienna, burnt umber, yellow ochre, viridian and ultramarine blue.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Fabriano Artistico Watercolor Block

                                                                                  (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

For some time, I had been interested in painting on Fabriano Artistico watercolor paper. This paper has been around for centuries not unlike Arches watercolor paper. Yet some artists only will paint on this surface. It has a reputation as a great surface for lifting color which is something I want to experiment with.

Ironically, I didn't lift any color as this was my first real experience painting on this paper. However, I feel like I can get some interesting clouds into my sky's by lifting pigment.

The subject for this picture is behind the Target Store in Keene, NH which is at the end of a series of stores in a shopping mall. If you study this landscape you will discover it is an interesting wetland along their rail trail with pleasing sunny, fall foliage.

For me, the blue of the water at the bottom of the picture is quite enticing.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Watercolor Workshop

                                                                                 (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

From time to time it is a good practice to take a watercolor workshop with an established artist. On Saturday, I was fortunate to take a workshop with Annelein Beukenkamp in Woodstock, VT through the Vermont Watercolor Society.

The theme of the workshop was painting florals(or flowers) in watercolor. This flowering quince was the subject of my painting. I don't usually paint flowers so it was a real stretch to dive into this subject matter.

However, I like the composition, coloring and soft focus of this watercolor. In addition, I have learned to appreciate leaving the white of the paper somewhere umpainted. Also, I don't usually paint from the middle of sheet and out which was a very different experience for me.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Searching for New Pigment Combinations

                                                                                          (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Discovering new pigment combinations is an unending, yet exciting experience. Basically, color is an expanding vocabulary which one can go to when they feel the need arises. The subject matter or what's on your palette may direct you in which path to go.

Therefore it is important to build an eye for color out in nature and be able to draw upon whatever pigments you can to establish your painting practice.

I find these random color doodles turned into little landscape quite important in my daily life. This green-blue above, is a new discovery created by combining raw umber and winsor blue.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Brattleboro Common

                                                                              (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

The Brattleboro Common is a favorite spot to paint watercolors out in the open air. It has lovely open spaces, dappled light from a wide-range of mature trees and ever-changing light. Also, it has interesting people from time to time doing intriguing activities and picnic tables to paint at.

With such lovely warm, colorful fall days it has been a great season to paint the landscape. I have run about outside with my camera at times because I know the color and light is so fleeting.

I painted this landscape from both memory and the use of a reference photograph. You can't just make up this stuff. The explosion of color and well-defined shadows makes the landscape so warm and inviting. 

This was painted on rough paper which makes the surface feel very grainy and interesting at the same time.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Arches Travel Journal

                                                                                            (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Drawing or painting has become pretty much a daily activity in my life. I feel like I need to get better and more decisive at capturing the figure. In addition, it is important to get it down on paper quickly. I am always making adjustments as I move along the process.

Recently, I have adopted a technique, when needed, to paint fast, with a loaded brush and leave certain marks on the paper as it appears, without noodling about. This makes for some expressive painting and is important to let at least some of the colors blend into each other.

For warm-up exercises and portability I have been using this Arches travel journal which I have taken a liking to. I paint figures, color swatches and try new techniques all in this littler book.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Browns & More Browns

                                                                                            (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

For me brown is an elusive color. In my sketchbook I right down color combinations to experiment with and document what I come up with. I want a rich, lively brown not so much a poop color.

I find that brown makes other colors sing so in essence these are neutral colors.

Recently, there are two color combinations that I save come upon which I like: raw sienna/ultramarine blue/burnt umber and new gamboge/prussian blue/permanent red. These are both lively combinations and look well on their own against the white of the paper.