Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Looking down river(phase 2)

(C) 2016 Dale DiMauro

This painting makes me think of the coast of Maine with dark evergreens and rich blue, coastal waters. I like to work on a landscape painting when I can, even though people tell me it is hard to do in watercolor. It is an endless quest to arrive upon paint mixtures that approximate the colors of nature.

Some changes to the composition of the watercolor from the last post have been made. I removed the island which I was told looked like a shark and added the shorter evergreen as it breaks the scale of the bigger evergreen and is more pleasing to the eye. The result is greater substance to the foreground on the right. Also, I like how you can see through the trees.

When I started this painting I saw it as an opportunity to improve upon the clouds I paint. I have read where the sky sets the mood for the overall painting and it is the first area I paint in a watercolor. While clouds can be difficult to paint convincingly, I thought they came out okay. I used many pigments to create the sky. Theses included: raw sienna, payne's gray, ultramarine and cobalt blue.

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