Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tough Winter

                                                                                               (C) 2025 Dale DiMauro

Winter is a great time to paint watercolors. I find the snow a great source of inspiration with the light patterns and the landscape, in general, viewed from a different perspective.

However, this winter has been a real challenge, at least, for me. Days and days of bitter temperatures, the absence of snow and then frequent storms requiring endless shoveling has made this winter exhausting. 

This winter my house was so dry I couldn't keep my eyes and skin moist enough. I had to do an exhausting eye treatment of drops every fours for nine days or so and then I got not one but two respiratory flu-like colds which dragged on forever.

Other than that it was a good winter. I did get some watercolors painted but not nearly as I intended as the house was so cold. We had many gray days where the snow stayed on the roof and our solar panels become ineffective. However, I am beginning to appreciate the mid-day sun and increased length of daylight. Before long I will be able to paint outside again....

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