Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Maine Coast

(D) 2017 Dale DiMauro

The Maine coast is like no other place. The smell of the water, sound of the birds, vast open ocean and rocky shoreline are so strongly imprinted on my psyche. Already, I am longing for that annual summer vacation away from the summer humidity of Vermont.

Recently, I finished this watercolor which I had wrote about at an earlier stage. The foreground had been unresolved but now you can get a sense of how far the tide comes in. I like how the mossy, green rocks lead the viewer toward the water which takes you to the horizon.

There is a picture I had started on the back which I was not pleased with. It is of a local Vermont scene. It had been turned over sitting on my desk and I saw it as scrap sheet to try out. Since it is a thicker 300 lb Arches watercolor sheet, it has a rough texture compared to what I usually use. I do like some of the effects that can be utilized with this paper. This includes dry brush where you can create a great range of textural qualities for example, on the rocks and for achieving interesting edges in the sky with the clouds.

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