Sunday, September 9, 2018

Nature at it's finest

(C) 2018 Photograph Dale DiMauro

This photograph was taken last week, while paddling on Lowell Lake, which is in Londonderry, Vermont. With a small group of people whom I'd never met, we sought to escape the hot, humid weather by kayaking and swimming. This was a chance to truly get out in nature. Isn't that why we live in Vermont anyway?
I was struck by the stillness of the water and the overall timeless quality of the composition. Perhaps this scene would have been similarly found one hundred years ago. There still remains a pristine quality to this lake as development has not been allowed to encroach on it's shores. In fact, it now is a lovely state park.

The other quality I saw within this photograph is a painting in watercolor. As if it painted itself. 
First of all, I could not improve upon it's composition. Therefore, all an artist has to do is get his or her paints out. I would paint a blue wash over the whole paper as the sky is reflected in the water. Then I would paint in the yellows and greens of the tree line. Next, I would put another clean wash of blue over the water, followed by the shadow from the vegetation. A total of three pigments could accomplish this. Perhaps winsor blue, aureolin and shadow green will do it. What do you think?

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