Wednesday, January 18, 2017


(C) 2017 Dale DiMauro

This is a self-portrait I started in December. Except for my signature, I consider it finished. I have been told it looks like me, which is the ultimate compliment as it is hard to look at myself subjectively.

This was painted on an Arches watercolor block. With the heat on in the house, I find the corners of the blocks begin to separate from the rest of the block, particularly the larger sizes. Thus, the corner in the lower left is curled, making the perspective appear distorted in the photograph.

There is much that I like in this picture. I am pleased with how the hands came out. Many artists would not even include hands in a picture, particularly when they are front and center as in this composition. Also, I like that you can see the glasses on my face, but they don't dominate the face as there are lines that suggest the outlines of the frames.

In addition, you can feel the warmth of the sun on the bench and my hands without seeing its source. Lastly, I appreciate the way the lush green growth was brushed on so that it fades into the distance.  

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