Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A fresh start

(C) 2016 Dale DiMauro

Recently, I have read several new watercolor books. One, Watercolor Techniques, by Michael Reardon, I particularly like. He paints in a manner quite different from me, but attains great results by utilizing complementary colors and conveys good overall composition.

As a result of these readings I have been inspired to experiment more than ever with new and exciting color mixes. I seldom use green right out of the tube as the color is flat and dull. However, when you mix a green on your own, such as the vibrant one in the foreground it brings a vital, fresh quality to the picture. This green is the result of combining veridian with quinacridone gold. These color mixes when applied to the paper make you look at other colors differently.

In addition, I purchased a new paint set for plein-air painting that produces vibrant, rich colors like no other. I learned recently, of the major difference between the professional half pan sets as opposed to being sold the student grade, as often found in your local art store. For years I have used professional grade Winsor Newton tube paints which I love and find reliable. However, I did not know there were even available professional grade watercolor pan sets. The student grade colors dry so faint and bleached out looking that it has frustrated me for years.The manufacturer of this new set I have is Yarka, a St. Petersburg, Russian supplier for over one hundred years.

Finally, I had computer problems which prevented me from posting last Sunday. In this day and age we and our computers are targets for all kinds of potential viruses and hacking in general. This can be a real disruption in our daily lives to not be able to readily go on-line.

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