Sunday, June 5, 2016

Cross-country ski hut

(C) 2016 Dale DiMauro

Last winter I did not get to cross country ski as much as I usually do because of our lack of snow. Late in the season I even purchased new skis with metal edges in an attempt to improve my chances for next season. I volunteered to help elementary school kids as I usually do, embrace the outdoors. Still, like many outdoor people I was waiting for snow to come and it didn't.

This little watercolor is a memento of winter, that you could slide into your wallet to remind of you of what winter is like in Vermont. This was painted on Arches 300lb watercolor paper. This thicker paper I find gives me more time to work the color in to the paper as it stays wet longer.

The natural light of late winter projected on the landscape and the warmth of the earth colors appeal to me in this picture. Also, I like the shadows of the undulating landscape and how they describe the quality of the land. 

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