Sunday, February 19, 2017

Harris Hill Ski Jump

(C) 2017 Dale DiMauro

After spending a good chunk of the day volunteering at the Harris Hill Ski Jump earlier today, I could not help but think of this watercolor, that was inspired from the very same site. The weather was quite beautiful, perhaps the best I have ever experienced at the hill, and the ski jumpers' performance left me impressed. All the ski jumpers, I thought, jumped well. In past years you might see a rare hard landing, an injury or a fall, but not this year or at least this day.

When the ski jump grounds are not in use, which is all but one weekend, the property is well used as a recreational spot. I know because I walk these grounds often as it is a few blocks from our house. 

This watercolor is of a frequent sight, that of individuals parking on the edge of the corn field and hiking with their dogs through the fields or woods. Since the ski jump faces east, the light on the hill continually changes throughout the course of the day, affecting the temperatures. I feel the snow above captures some of those qualities, which I was reminded of today.

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