Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Retreat Field(a work in progress)

(C) 2017 Dale DiMauro

The woods and fields of the Windham Foundation are traversed by many in Brattleboro who are trying to get a walk in. I have walked across these fields many times, in all kinds of weather. Over time I have learned to appreciate the changing light with subtle and dramatic changes in the sky.

As I began to paint this watercolor, it seemed to have the qualities of an oil painting. There is a build-up of paint in the foreground while the tree line to the right has a glow as if from the light you see in oil paintings. In addition, I tried painting the sky differently, giving the clouds a layered and hard edged appearance.

The ground plane has been a struggle to get just right. I have learned that the landscape needs to be a distinct value darker than the sky to give it a solid grounding and separation from the sky.

At this point in the development of the painting I have come to realize the foreground needs something to give it a spark. I plan on adding an individual to the right foreground, looking towards the distant hill. I might even add a dog in front of the person to strengthen the focus of the picture.

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