Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Maine Coastline

(C) 2017 Dale DiMauro

This watercolor was inspired by a scene last summer of Frenchman Bay from Hulls Cove on Mount Desert Island in Maine. A storm had passed, leaving calm waters and skies in stark contrast to the remarkable turbulence that had been there not long before.  

I had not painted on the thicker 300 lb. Arches watercolor paper recently, which has a rougher surface. I do like the water marks which are left when you drag the brush across the surface. These marks can look like incomplete brush strokes or jagged light areas, such as can be seen in the sky. There is something attractive about the light along the shoreline below the tree line which conveys a universal quality common in landscape painting.

The light was wrong when I snapped the photo of the painting, so the colors are off. The scene is dominated by blues and green without much of the warm browns. The foreground remains incomplete. 

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