Sunday, February 12, 2017

Skinny watercolor(II)

(C) 2017 Dale DiMauro

This week here in southern Vermont we have been pounded with snow storms. I believe this is the fifth straight day shoveling snow of some quantity. Up to this point in the winter, snow coverage had bordered on adequate to spotty depending on your view of whether you loved or hated this season. When cross country skiing this season, I found it was often icy with flat light, so I needed to seek inspiration in other activities.

Two winters ago I found the huge snow falls to be rather inspiring as our homes were wrapped in snow drifts with the natural light creating fascinating abstract patterns. With this new accumulation I have taken out my camera in the search for interesting subject mater, but I have not yet had a chance to print the new photos.

I have been itching to paint some landscapes as I have done many portrait-related pictures lately. This landscape, captured on camera last fall, was painted on a watercolor remnant cut off from a previous painting. I like this skinny format as the painting still projects a large scale; however, I don't feel the pressures associated with doing a full sheet. It is less of a commitment and less work, but it provides opportunities to test out ideas.

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