Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Watercolor Study

(C) 2020 Dale DiMauro

Between work demands and the heat of summer it was good to pick up the paint brush and move it around the paper. Watercolor is such a versatile medium providing such an endless array of approaches that each painting seems to be quite different on it's own merit.

This watercolor study is inspired from walking on the grounds of the Clark Art Institute several weeks ago in Williamstown, MA. Over time they have established trails through the woods and fields behind the actual museum. That is a depiction of me about to cross one of their pedestrian footbridges.

It is always good to try out new techniques when the mood strikes or when the situation seems appropriate. One of the low branches arching off the tree on the right side I created by using my fingernail. I like the free growth of the vegetation and the verdant coloring on the edge of the woods.

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