Sunday, August 30, 2020

Groton State Forest

                                                  (C) 2020 Photograph Dale DiMauro

While on vacation in northern Vermont my wife and I discovered Groton State Forest. On the map I noticed there were several state parks in close proximity, which is unusual. Little did we know that Groton State Forest consists of 26,164 acres of largely undeveloped land. The forest occupies land in several towns which include Groton, Marshfield, Plainfield and Topsham.

Vermont is well known for hidden jewels off the beaten path but this treasure was on a scale I was not prepared for. We saw sweeping vistas of distant mountains, lakes, ponds, hiking trails and vast tracts of pristine forest. Later on I learned there are seven state parks located in Groton State Forest. One, Kettle Pond State Park seems to be quite the gem. It has clean, clear water and is as beautiful as any body of water I have ever seen.

It is important to find inspiration in new experiences and broaden our horizons as we find our way through this pandemic. This trip heightened my awareness of our surroundings as we traversed territory we would not normally seek as a means to avoid at-risk COVID-19 areas.

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