Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Plein Air Painting: Watercolor Study

                                                                  (C) 2020 Dale DiMauro

This past Monday I did some watercolor painting with the Saxton's River Art Group in Walpole, N.H. Since I was amongst all these historical buildings along The Common I figured it was a good time to try a plein air with an architectural focus. I didn't include the whole building as time would be limited and  the light was going to change rapidly.

The perspective is not quite right but I have done worse in the past so I was somewhat pleased with what I came up with. I tweaked the landscape so my focus could settle on the building's features.

It truly is a challenge to capture a building's details out in the natural light. First you have to settle on a composition that is not too involved. Then as you work on your picture you see things you didn't see when you began. However, there is a strong presence to the building which I find refreshing.

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