Sunday, October 25, 2020

Whetstone River

                                                                 (C)2020 Dale DiMauro

This watercolor was started late in the summer. I had arranged what I consider to be a nice drawing and then the sky darkened over and the rain came down hard and furious. However, the watercolor was still on my watercolor block so I figured it was best to carry it forward even though the subject matter looks different these days.

Recently, I have been learning the value of browns in watercolor painting. They can add a lot to your painting. They have an earthy or naturalistic quality which you find out in nature. Plus there is such a range of browns to work with and thus as a means of expression.

This painting in some ways looks like it could be of a subject matter in a drier region of the country. However, with the all the autumnal color passing and falling to the ground I think the colorations are fairly true.

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