Sunday, June 9, 2024

Color Study

                                                                               (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Painting greens can be bit challenging, at least from my experience. Arriving at the right green when you need it does not come naturally to me. There are warm greens, cool greens, opaque ones and dark ones etc., which when used well can make your watercolor read well and offer a sense of depth. However, they can look weak in your picture or dominate it, too.

Nevertheless, I am constantly thinking of new color combinations to try out and to group with other pigments when setting out to paint.

In this watercolor study I tried sap green with burnt umber a new combination which I really like. In can look rather lush when wet and feels a bit natural in it's value.

For the sky I put down a wash of lavender with payne's gray which gives you a cool, light gray. Afterwards I put in a wash of ultramarine toward the foreground to suggest some sources of water as in a pond or strream.

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