Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Along the West River

                                                                                           (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Painting with black is not universally accepted in watercolor groups. I don't know why not. Many people say that painting out of the tube in black provides a dull and flat color. However, if you blend ivory black with other pigments such as sepia or sap green you can get a much richer pigmentation.

Recently, I had this back-lit experience along the West River in Brattleboro, VT. The memory of a colorless experience was so strong I had to try and capture it on paper. In this case I blended some variation of ivory black/permanent sap green/sepia and payne's gray to achieve a very rich dark.

I put it down quickly so I would not come back and fuss with it later. It was such a stark experience that I didn't want to develop a biased opinion to painting with black and white. In addition, I believe it is always good to develop an expanding palette for when the occasion arises.

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