Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Mixing Browns

                                                                                              (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Brown is a challenging color for me to paint. It seems best to mix your own browns as the pigments explode to life with freshness. Finding good color combinations is key.

Often the browns I come up with lean either towards yellow or red. One of my favorite brown mixtures is sap green/ windsor violet and cadmium red.

Recently, I became excited to discover two new browns to add to my watercolor painting. The first, burnt sienna and cobalt blue is a very useful color combination. The other as seen in the above watercolor utilizes the combination of: ultramarine blue/new gamboge and cadmium red. I came upon this color combination by experimentation.

This coloring has a definite yellow influence and may even look a bit like an Andrew Wyeth painting. However, this landscape evolved out of playing with this brown color combination. It does not reference a specific place in the world.

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