Sunday, May 5, 2024

Ivory Black

                                                                                          (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Recently, I have rediscovered ivory black as a color to include in my studio palette. Maybe not for use all the time but when necessary. 

I have several Charles Reid books in my library which I consider classics. They were bought used. However, at times he seems to have advocated using black to help achieve a dark with other pigments but not on it's own.

Anyway, I looked through my tubes of paint and discovered, in fact, I had a tube of ivory black. This tube remains largely unused, so I figured it was worth experimenting with.

I have experimented with ivory black and winsor violet for a rich, foreboding dark. Also, I have combined burnt sienna with ivory black and come up with a rich dark brown. The above green here is the result of combining permanent sap green with ivory black. To me this image has the quality of a late afternoon light.

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