Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Grays Have It.......

                                                                                         (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

The more I paint in watercolor the more I appreciate the color gray. Gray steps backstage for the other flamboyant colors that want to shine up front. For example, a vibrant red will be striking when positioned in a sea of cool grays. It's like a red 'stop sign' on a pavement of gray.

However, there is a huge spectrum of grays at the watercolorists hand. There are warm to cool temperature grays and everything in between those two. You can stick with transparent pigments or introduce some opaque pigments, too.

On the right in this photograph is a gray created by combining pthalo blue with burn sienna. This combination makes the warm, peachy yellow 'glow' above it(winsor lemon/burnt sienna).

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