Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Plein Air Watercolor

                                                                                       (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

This morning I had a great start while plein air painting. It was a beautiful morning to paint, too. I had the sky washed in and the vegetated landscape all sketched out. 

When suddenly two dogs appeared out of nowhere and knocked me off my park bench. I was sitting on one end of the bench when the larger dog jumped up to where I was sitting and the bench slid like a seesaw to the ground.

After the dogs left I wiped the dirt off my supplies and tried to carry on but it was not the same. The trauma of that moment lingered on. Before long I gathered my supplies and headed home. 

Regardless, of the experience, I was focused and had a great approach to painting this particular subject matter. It makes me want to get back to painting even if this picture didn't turn out so well.

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