Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Maine Landscape

                                                                                          (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Maine for me is a state of mind as well as one of the fifty states. I am beginning to yearn for that Maine coast particularly with today's temperatures topping out around ninety degrees. Just the sight and smell of the ocean brings relief to my senses. Last year my summer trip to Maine was less enjoyable as I had an eye infection the entire time my wife and I were away.

I have gotten more comfortable painting a wider range of skies while holding the block and letting the paint run across the sheet with less fussiness. Using gravity to your benefit is something I have embraced.

Painting or drawing on the interior cover of my watercolor blocks is something I do on a regular basis. It is a nice space to work out compositional details or record notes on painting.

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