Sunday, September 13, 2020

Along the Passumpsic River

                                                                 (C) 2020 Dale DiMauro

During my Summer travels I learned the Passumpsic River which weaves through St. Johnsbury, Vermont is quite a scenic body of water. My wife and I saw the sun begin to set along this river after being passed by a gathering of girls softball players as they headed to their cars. Of course we had our masks on and kept our distance. 

The Moose River also in St. Johnsbury, Vermont merges with the Passumpsic River. While this is a smaller river it has lovely falls, ripples and pools along it's rocky shoreline. One need not ponder how this river got it's name. A woman who works at the local boutique in downtown St. Johnsbury told me moose have been known to cross the main streets in town.

This watercolor is of the Passumpsic River facing downstream with it's blue waters and lush shoreline.

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