Sunday, September 27, 2020

Hubbard Park

                                                                  (C) 2020 Dale DiMauro

Hubbard Park in Montpelier, VT is a 194 acre park north of the Vermont State House. It has lovely trails and open fields. In addition, it has a fifty-four foot stone observation tower which has since been added to the National Register of Historic Places. 

Since visiting this park in the late summer I keep having flashbacks of the lovely fields and open spaces which you would only find in Vermont. They are not filled with playgrounds and paved over but have wildflowers, organic configurations and minimal maintenance.

I painted this watercolor on rough paper, Arches to be exact. Rough paper has a strong texture to it's surface, as it's name implies, when used to great affect it can be quite expressive. With more practice hopefully I can take advantage of the numerous high points on the paper.

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