Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sebago Lake

                                                                   (C) 2020 Dale DiMauro

Recently, I was perusing photographs I took over the summer. This summer has definitely been different from others in the past due to COVID-19 and it's lack of genuine social interaction, and this photograph stood out, representing the absence of people and the beauty of nature. It seemed worthy of a post.

I took this photograph when visiting Sebago Lake in Maine. This is the second largest lake in the state of Maine but one of the cleanest bodies of water and beaches I have ever been in or on. This photograph seemed like it could have been taken at a tropical beach far from Maine.

The vivid colors, ripples, and transparency of the lake water give this image the qualities you often find in a watercolor painting. My wife and I discovered this protective cove within the State Park late in the afternoon as the sun was getting low with spectacular light affects.

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