Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Broadening the Palette

                                                               (C) 2020 Dale DiMauro

Earlier this Summer I bought a book on John Singer Sargent when my wife and I visited the the Clark Art Museum in Williamstown, MA. I have been studying Sargent's watercolors ever since. 

Along the way I have become curious about Sargent's use of yellows and browns in his watercolors. The use of yellows for the sky and browns in general have been a weak area for me. Part of the issue is that I haven't even considered going in that direction at all and the other factor is a lack of browns which I have found captivating. 

Lately, I have been experimenting with different combinations of yellows and browns to incorporate into my watercolors. Two color combinations which I have been playing with are red madder/aureolin yellow and paynes gray/burnt sienna. The first combination has a warm, lively orangish tint and the other is a cool brown. Both are much better than anything you would find in a paint tube. The value studies on the left side of the image show some of the tinkering around with these pigments.

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