Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Imaginary Landscape

                                                                                   (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Painting the landscape is truly a gift. Over time you begin to notice subtle changes out in the landscape or in your palette preferences which lead to profound changes in how you approach your compositions. Much of this is unconscious at the moment but upon reflection I notice an evolution.

For example, for the most part, I paint a landscape from the top down. That means the sky goes in first and I blend in colors as I see fit to hold an edge or create a dark separation. There are areas where the paper is left dry so pigment won't run all over the place. At this point this practice is intuitive so I am not actively thinking about this process which enables me to be flexible in my next steps.

By now it doesn't really matter what paper I am using. However, I love the weave of this paper. When wet with pigment this paper has a lovely quality to it. This watercolor paper is called Elseware. I found it at my local food co-op. I wrote about this paper back in July. For me it is useful as a test sheet or for painting warm-up landscapes. Also, it can come in handy when you are painting outside.

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