Sunday, August 4, 2024

Goose Pond

                                                                                            (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Goose Pond in Keene, NH is a lovely pond to hike around. It has been years since I explored this area but recently revisited this pond full of memories from the past. It actually has a dedicated parking lot and kiosk while in the past you just parked on the side of the road. 

The spillway or dam has been reconstructed but overall Goose Pond is such a lovely place with much active wildlife. My wife and I saw many birds, dogs and beaver activity in the late afternoon when people were on the trails.

I did this watercolor a day after walking around Goose Pond. The water had such vivid reflections and a richness of color. Seldom do I use turquoise as a pigment(right out of the tube) but the surface of the pond had such a vibrant range of blues.

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