Thursday, August 29, 2024

Scott Farm Plein Air

                                                                                             (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Visiting the Scott Farm in Dummerston, Vermont feels like a walk through a point in history far removed from current times. While there, life seems slower and more attuned to our surroundings. And then the view of large slabs of stone and slate covered historical buildings create a backdrop one does not usually experience on a daily basis.

This week I had the opportunity to paint outside with the Saxton's River Art Group. Unlike during this summer in southern Vermont, when it was hot, humid and often wet, this outing had lovely weather.

It can be a challenge honing in on what to paint when outside. However, this site has many lovely vantage points to choose from. In the back of my mind I am most aware that the natural light is constantly changing so I need to work quickly.

I sat on a stone wall containing this pool of water and tried to record what I saw. There were lots of cool colors and shadows moving about in contrast to the lush greens all around me.

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