Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Living Memorial Park

                                                                                   (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Recently, we have had an unbelievable run of glorious days. I am speaking from southern Vermont where today was another winner.

This was painted outside at Living Memorial Park in the morning. This clump of trees, which I believe are maples, are such a landmark which can be viewed from all kinds of angles in the park. This was painted from the Kiwanis shelter which offers a dramatic view of the larger landscape.

The last time painting in the park I felt like I overworked the trees in the background. This time I was determined to keep those distant hills simpler with a basic wash. You can see there is now some fall colors working their way into the landscape.

I feel better about this picture. For me, it has a pleasing overall quality with a soft focus except that clump of trees which are the focal point. 

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