Sunday, September 15, 2024

Madame Sherri Forest

                                                                                         (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

Madame Sherrie Forest is a special place. Located in Chesterfield, NH, it has a natural wetland, elevated pond and lovely trails with scenic views.

I find it an inspiring place to hike and paint outside. The wetland has a lovely pond which is quite tranquil. For me painting here is quite meditative. I can sustain my concentration for long periods of time when on site.

This watercolor was done late Friday afternoon with the light beginning to fade rapidly. Little did I know that a woman had been rescued from this very site within the last twenty four hours.

After I left I wasn't sure I liked this watercolor but stepping back from it, I realized there is a freshness and directness which only watercolor can deliver.

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