Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Today's Plein Air

                                                                                    (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

On occasion I overwork a watercolor and that's the case with this picture. It was painted today, as we had a glorious morning, here in Brattleboro, VT. This was painted in Living Memorial Park along a frisbee golf tee-off platform.

I had been eyeing this location for some time, to set-up my watercolor stuff as there is a nice bench with a sweeping view across the field. The early washes were exciting and lively but I got lost in the distant trees as there are layers of tree massing in the distant valley.

As frustrating as this experience has been, I learn the most when things don't turn out so well. One of the problems I had was the paint was drying faster than I am used to and the light and shadows changed rapidly. On cloudy days, from my experience, the light changes slower giving me more time to adapt to the developing picture.

This summer I have taken to using a sponge which I find to be a real positive development. Sponges are great at lifting color when needed and preventing pools of color from collecting on the margins of the paper.

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