Sunday, September 1, 2024

Keene(NH) Art-in-the-Park

                                                                               (Photograph) 2024 Dale DiMauro

This weekend was the Monadnock Area Artists Association's Art in the Park, held in Keene, NH. As usual it is a lovely community event. However, today, when my wife and I attended it was hot out, at least in the sun. Fortuately, we had the shade of trees and the vendor tents to keep from overheating.

It was a nice experience as we were able to reconnect with artists I have known for many years and meet new ones, too. There were many painters but others crafts people, too. I purchased a small clay pot from a new vendor who had moved to the area within the last year.

While I didn't have a vendor space this year it makes me consider one for next season. However, it usually seems hot on this weekend on an annual basis which is the one drawback in my mind.

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