Sunday, July 7, 2024

Grafton Ponds VSO Concert

                                                                                  (C) 2024 Dale DiMauro

The VSO(Vermont State Orchestra) concert and fireworks on July 4, 2024 came off with wonderful weather in Grafton, VT. The humidity subsided in the evening making it a lovely experience.

Before intermission I was able to paint this plein air scene. At first the setting sun on the land wasn't all that spectacular, as it has been in years past, but then I was concerned it would get dark before I knew it.

Regardless, I was able to get this watercolor down on paper and clean up before they resumed the concert. However, there were many people watching as I painted with an array of comments at intermission.

For me it is always worth painting outside whenever I can, regardless of how good the picture is because I learn so much when painting outside within a limited timeframe.

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