Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rembrandt Watercolor Paper

                                                                                 (C)2024 Dale DiMauro

Last summer I tried out a new watercolor block called Rembrandt watercolor paper. Oddly, a corner of the top sheet is cut off intentionally on all their watercolor blocks. I don't know why they do this but I love painting on their surface which is cold press. 

The pigment seems to come alive on this surface once I put pigment on the paper. You can see in the above watercolor how fresh the scene appears. I love this quality about the watercolor paper.

I find it best to use a limited palette and paint as direct as possible on this paper. At first I resisted the blotting but have come to accept it as a quality to painting on this paper. 

Over time I have come to accept using a damp sponge as one of my best tools. A sponge prevents any wash from building up or running all over the place. It is particularly useful when painting outside as all kinds of mishaps can impact your painting process.

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